How to Detect and Remove the Spammy Backlinks

Most websites and SEO marketing strategies currently deal with the challenge of bad or spammy backlinks. Backlinks are critical for boosting referrals to your website and boosting SEO ranking; however, it can also be one of the biggest headaches you have to deal with. The challenge comes in detecting them since they are available in various forms, some too unique to easily spot, and they continue evolving. 

In pursuit of quality and legitimate backlinks, you must be able to identify and isolate spam backlinks and prevent them immediately. Doing so requires tools and skills to help you detect and prevent bad backlinks. Here are tips to help you in the prevention and detection. 

Tools to find Spammy Backlinks 

Consider using different tools to find spam backlinks; however, you have to buy the tools, sync them with your site and optimize them to accomplish the task. There are different tools with different capabilities; hence you need to check carefully. From the list, you can check those with capabilities of detection and removal. Depending on your needs, you can select either detection, removal tools, or both. 

One of the detection tools is the spammy links checker. It helps you cross-reference all the links against databases that list all the spam backlinks. You can use it before you send any request or check a link immediately after you get a recommendation or a link from another site.  

The other tool to help with the identification is SEMrush. This tool is mainly suitable for site audits and SEOP reviews to find bad backlinks. It will help you find toxic and potentially toxic sites enabling you to isolate them early enough to avoid their effects. Other tools to help with the detection needs are Majestic and Moz. 

You should be careful when selecting these tools since some overpromise their capabilities, and some may partner with the spam links themselves to help them evade detection. Rely on tried and used tools to help.  

Using Google Disavow Link 

Google Disavow link is one of the best tools for detecting spam backlinks and removing them before they affect your website and SEO ranks. You must install the tools on your device and then report any bad backlinks to Google. Google will automatically remove the link or ignore it to ensure it does not affect your website in the future. The report is critical for Google to avoid de-ranking your website. You can use it for all the spam links by composing a list and sending them all to Google. 

Using Google Search Console 

Google has various ways of dealing with spam backlinks; this is another available option for SEO and website owners. Go to the Google search console, select the link on your website, and find all the external links related to your SEO and site. This site will help you identify the external link if you cannot remember or retrace it. However, the Google search console may not inform you or provide details about the impact of the backlink; hence you have to take the necessary precautions to report the link immediately. 

Reviewing Backlinks and Domains 

Whenever you receive any backlink or request a backlink, you should check the link or website’s legitimacy. You achieve this by checking Google’s list of identified spam websites and backlinks and cross-referencing with every new link you receive. One can easily identify them through this strategy, and it will prevent you from sending backlink requests to such sites, one of the possible causes of SEO de-ranking.  

You also have to rely on other tools that can help you in the review and early detection process. You should confirm if Google penalizes a site before sending the request. 

Conduct Regular and Frequent Audits 

You may not have the expertise to conduct the audits to isolate, detect and remove any spam backlinks; hence you can rely on experts in website, Content and SEO management to help with such roles. This is a continuous process; hence you need someone detected to it to conduct regular inspections. The audits will also help you grow your SEOP profile rapidly as you evade any unknown de-ranking from Google and other search engines. You can also use automated tools and monitor the reports; any spikes in reports, such as graphical reports, should trigger instant expert audits.  

404 Page 

This can also be one of the ways to remove a backlink by subjecting a page to 404. 404 strategies will help you prevent any future link reference from that website. Google does not count any 404 pages; hence any Backlink from that site should not harm your SEO.  

The downside is that a 404 page will be a bad reputation on your page since most people would not like to encounter many 404 pages while browsing through your content. Such pages can also affect your SEO ranking, especially if they are many. You should have at most two for the total contents you write and put up for customer consumption. Therefore, you should consider other alternatives and only use 404 as the last strategy. 

Link Removal Request 

Whenever other sites browse through your content and come across an increased number of 404, there is a possible chance that the requests and links you get will decline over time. Even genuine sites will shy away; hence you have to use other strategies, such as requesting link removal.  

You have to contact the source to remove their backlinks, which is another cumbersome task. One can hire services from sites like Fiverr and Upwork to go through your SEO and websites and deal with these requests. You should monitor the submitted request for a given duration before taking the next action. Those with ill intentions will intend to keep their links and ignore the requests. If they refuse, you can sue the subsequent and available Google options and 404 as the last alternative.  


Backlinks are critical for your SEO ranking; hence you should enforce all the measures to ensure the backlinks you receive are genuine. You should regularly inspect and remove spam backlinks from your website to avoid penalties and negative effects. Also, rely on the best measures. 

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